She is heavy [ big] with child again.; She is in the family way again. 她又有孕了。
She isn't really getting fat; she is with child ( or she's in the family way). 她不是发胖,是双身子。
Last year, when they brought in Rebekah and the family, I was very pleased because it gave us a chance to see a new side of Klaus, to see the way he is with people he cares about, people he's close to. 去年,当他们引进瑞贝卡(Rebecca)还有始祖家族的时候,我十分开心。因为这给了我们一个机会去看看克劳斯新的一面,去看看他与在乎的人、亲近的人相处的方式。
In the absence of their husbands, wives left at home tend to assume more duties and responsibilities for the family and find their own way to copy with difficulties. 由于丈夫的外出,留守妻子承担了更多的家庭责任和义务,还要想办法对付各种困难。
After settling down in the big family in Fuzhou, however, I found that my previous worries on the way turned out to be unfounded. 到了福州,在大家庭里住了下来,我觉得我在归途中的担心是多余的。
In the family's sport-utility vehicle on the way home, a Disney English CD plays over the sound system. 琪琪家住在一幢公寓的30楼。在驾驶运动型多用途车(SUV)回家的路上,车上的音响系统播放着迪士尼的CD。
The void was obvious, and no matter how the problem of cancer is handled in a family, all the members of the family are bound to be affected in some way. 很显然,这问题被忽视了,成了一片苍白,无论这种家庭如何处理这问题的,全家都必然在某种程度上受到癌症的影响。
It gives him great pleasure that his wife is in the family way. 他的妻子怀孕使他十分高兴。
It seems she's in the family way. 她好像是怀孕啦。
The child is very glad that his cat is in the family way. 这孩子非常高兴,他的小猫怀崽了。
If the boys in the family and then forced to re-learn women's thinking, and that the boy is definitely a way of reducing the quality of the act. 如果在家庭里再强迫男孩子再学习女性思维,那对男孩子绝对是一种降低素质的行为。
Two American friends who had joined us in Thailand heard the next morning of a death in the family and left to make their way back to Washington DC. 两位在泰国加入我们的美国朋友在第二天早晨听说家里有人去世了,于是离开我们,返回了华盛顿。
Thus, as the Third Circuit has said, any remaining judicial discretion must be narrow indeed. After settling down in the big family in Fuzhou, however, I found that my previous worries on the way turned out to be unfounded. 这样,正如第三巡回法庭所说,司法裁决的余地确实都很到了福州,在大家庭里住了下来,我觉得我在归途中的担心是多余的。
Lunch could be rushed through with fast food as we were on the run in the daytime, but the family gathering for dinner in the evening could not be fixed in any old way. 午餐尚可以在外面快餐盒饭对付一顿,阖家大团圆的晚饭就不能敷衍塞责地马虎过去了。
Presently, the higher grades children of primary school in our country have the certain psychological problem, these questions and family wrong education way related. 当前,我国小学中高年级儿童存在一定的心理问题,这些问题的出现与家庭错误的养育方式有关。
"In the family way" is an old-fashioned expression meaning "pregnant". Inthefamilyway是一种老式的表达方式,意为怀孕。
The problem in front of the family firm on its developing way, in addition to the shortage of externally institutional supply, mainly comes from the defects in the internal governance structure. 家族企业在其发展过程中遇到的困难,除了外部制度性供给不足外,主要源自内部的治理结构缺陷。
Tentative Comments on Ancient Chinese Women's status in the Family Based on a Survey of the Way of the Three Obediences 中国古代妇女家庭地位刍议&从考察三从之道切入
This research's value lies in understanding and grasping the survival requirement and the environment of "the Chinese family education network" website, instructing thorough developmental strategy plan, exploring the home education information feasible way under the new situation. 本研究的价值在于了解和掌握中国家庭教育网的发展环境和生存条件,指导中国家庭教育网制订周密的发展战略规划,探索新形势下家庭教育信息化的可行路径。
However, sad and in the family way: Some enterprises strengthen constantly in growing up, but some are being baffled or died young midway. 但是,成长中有悲有喜:有的企业在成长中不断壮大,有的却在中途受挫或夭折。
After 90 years in particular, with the tide of migrant workers "surge", the flow of migrant workers is an important way of peasant family, the male in a strong force himself by way of family gradually replaced flow. 特别是90年代以后,随着民工潮的涌动,进城农民工流动方式发生了重要的变化,在农民家庭中男壮力孤身外出打工的方式逐渐被家庭化流动方式所取代。
The enterprises to participate in the family endowment is to solve the dilemma of social endowment the inevitable way out, the Chinese elderly endowment community construction should be willing to live with their children, pay attention to neighborhood interactive requirement planning layout. 企业参与居家养老是解决目前社会养老困境的必然出路,养老社区建设应从中国老年人愿意与子女同住、重视邻里互动的需求出发规划布局。
Social pension can not make up new forms of family support in the form under the "vacancies" to seek and development to make up for lack of family support and a new old-age social pension is the current way of a very urgent task. 社会养老还不能弥补家庭养老在新形式下所形成的空缺,寻求和发展弥补家庭养老和社会养老不足的新型养老方式是当前十分紧迫的任务。
Our government should take the responsible for the compensation, in order to help and comfort the victim and his family, a concrete way is to thinking about establishing government compensate system. 为了抚慰刑事被害人及其家属,国家应担负起补偿救助的责任,其具体方法便是考虑建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度。
His obsession in ghosts and gods doctrine had a close relation to his personality and personal experiences. Han emperor Wu-di was active and full of energy, the affection from his family and the intense sense of responsibility to the country made him chose the way to immortality. 汉武帝对鬼神学说的痴迷与他的性格和个人经历有密切的关系,他精力充沛、热情好动,自幼受到家庭的影响以及对国家怀有的强烈责任感使他最终选择了追求长生不老这条道路。
In the family planning work, they need to book in and deal with a large number of data, the handcraft work way is hard to satisfy the require of government information, it is low efficiency, high error rate. 在计划生育工作中需要登记、处理大量的数据,现有的手工登记模式已经不能满足政务信息化的需要,其效率低、错误率高等多种弊端也逐渐显现。
In the ancient times or modern, family care is the major way of taking care of senile people both in the city and the countryside. It is limited by the economic and social development and also influenced by the cultural tradition and the family love conception. 无论在传统社会还是现代社会,家庭照顾一直是中国老年人照顾的主要方式,这既受经济和社会发展水平的限制也源于传统文化的沉积和亲情观念的影响。
Vacation sports participants are mainly involved in the family way. 度假体育参与者主要还是以家庭方式参与度假体育活动。